Monday, June 22, 2015

This week on Hee-Haw

   My chemo came and went with expected results from the side effects, fatigue for a few days and a slow return to what I now consider normal. My “now normal” is me having to accept the limitations of the effects of old age. After looking at my fingers the other day, Teresa said I was dehydrated. So, after downing a Gatorade and plenty of water when my fingers didn’t plump up as expected, I finally realized that the wrinkles in my fingers were just “old man hands”. Well crap, when did that happen? Really? Have you looked in a mirror lately? Umm no, it’s not good news so I’m not looking anymore. Besides, someone may have hung black drapes over the things and I’m not sure that they wouldn’t be for me.

   Anyway, we headed to the north forty this past week intending on doing some things to get ready for the upcoming move. The problem with our plan though was that the weather had other plans. The only days that it didn’t rain were the day we got there and the day that we left. In the one week that we were there it rained 13 inches. I had taken my riding lawnmower up there to try to reclaim some of the area that we claim for yard. To be fair it is a fairly large area and I spent a fair amount of time over four days mowing in between rain showers. Most of what I had to mow was over the hood of the lawnmower so it was really slow going. Once I’m able to get our tractor running it won’t be such a chore, since we have a brushhog for it. Also, once it’s cut to a reasonable height it doesn’t take but about a day to keep under control…. and keeps the snakes and other critters away.

   We had taken the pickup and small trailer full of stuff as we almost always do when we head up there. So, the day we arrived, since it wasn’t raining I parked the trailer close to the house. Mistake. At least in not moving it as soon as we got it empty. When it rains there the ground gets so slick you can’t get enough traction to get out. The last time we were up there it rained, and not nearly as much, I got the pickup stuck on nearly level ground. It was on the second day of it being stuck that I finally got a winch and spent about four hours winching it out. So, with all of the rain it was too slick to get the trailer out and we had to leave it there. This was more of an inconvenience since we use the trailer when it’s here for staging the things we want to take up there. 


   So, home again, home again, jiggity jog. We landed in the front yard for unloading at 2:50 PM and finally sitting down for a minute at 4:30. The suitcases will be unpacked and repacked, the vehicles switched out and reloaded, and we will be off for Houston again Sunday. We’ll stop at my daughters Sunday and head on for Houston Monday. This breaks the trip up so that my boney seat doesn’t cause me agony. When I lost weight from the first round of chemo, evidently I had a really big ass and no one was ever impolite enough to tell me. Who knew? Because now, after about two hours of driving I need to get up and get off of it because the bones are digging through what’s left of it. For a truck driver who is used to putting in very long days, this is almost like a handicap. That just makes long days longer and more tired. I do know that it’s always been easier on me to drive the big truck than the little one.


   Finally settled into the room in Houston after spending the night with my daughter and granddaughter. Last night my daughter made lasagna, one of my favorites, for Father’s Day.
We have packing for Houston down to a science now. You would really hope that we would be capable of that, since we’ve been packing the big truck for over 13 years. Loading and unloading the pickup takes only about ten minutes. Of course, dealing with the stuff on either end takes a bit more time.
   Tomorrow it’s off for chemo 2.4

Ok, I’ve taken up enough of your time, so it’s off to the cloud.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Chemo 2.3 A small victory

 I'm still trying to figure out how to make this font more readable, so pardon the overly large type. I have yet to figure out how to do the in between sizes.
We came back to Houston Sunday. Yesterday was all about tests, blood, CT, and chest X-ray. Some good news there. When we saw the doctor today, she said that there had been no growth in any of the nodes and some had even shrunk. They seem to be really concerned about how I’m feeling about all of this as if I’m in denial or something. I’m not in denial, it just doesn’t bother me yet. Besides, how can you be bothered about no growth? What bothers me is being so tired for a week or so. I have lost 5 lbs. this time, mostly due to not eating much for the week after the last round. I got chewed out for that. The doctor said I was looking like Ichabod Crane. After the doctor we checked into the chemo area for 2.3 and were pleasantly surprised when after about 30 or 40 minutes I was called in to get started. My original time to start had been 5:45 which was going to have to put us in a cab to get back to the hotel. About 3 hrs. later I was finished and we were headed back to the hotel in the shuttle. The hotel we stay in has a kitchenette since we don’t really like to get out and drive around looking for restaurants and it’s a lot cheaper to fix our own meals. Besides, after 13 years on the road we kind of got used to doing it this way.
I’m still losing hair at a rate I’m not crazy about, but considering the alternative I guess I’ll take bald over assuming room temperature. One of the nurses mentioned going ahead and cutting it all off, which I will do eventually, but not until I look like one of those guys doing a comb over. It’s just a little disconcerting to see hair everywhere, the brush, the sink, the tub, and even in my plate.
Three more treatments over nine weeks to go.
I had started another blog about hair, but I felt that sharing this with everyone was probably more of what y’all might want to hear.
A huge thank you to all of you for your prayers. It means more to me than any of you will ever know.