Well, it's already February and I'm
just getting around to putting this together. So much for a jump
start on the new year. I had been waiting for some better news, but
waiting on the VA is like waiting for Christmas when you're 6 years
old. On with the show.
It's 2015 and Christmas is over. I
can't say I was happy to see it leave. We saw many of the relatives,
but there were many more we just couldn't see due to distance or
sickness. Teresa wound up with a
nasty cold,
leaving me to be the caretaker for a change. Winter has come to this
part of the world which means colder temps, overcast days, and rain.
I suppose I should be grateful that we aren't living in Wyoming or
some such. I would like to reiterate the fact that I'm not missing
the snow or traffic at all.
I am eating mostly solid food now
and I have to admit a couple of things. First, the food is tasting
better and I'm learning what I can get down. Second, my digestive
system is finally coming around and getting used to solid food again.
Just about anything that doesn't really have to be chewed a lot is
fair game. The tricky part is that although I'm eating again, I
really have to remind myself to eat. My stomach still doesn't send
the “ I'm hungry “ message like I'm used to. It is waking up
though and if I go long enough without something to eat it will send
up the signal.
Well, it's a week later and I'm only
using the cans as a supplement when I really don't have time to eat.
We spent the last week in the north forty. The weather was promised
to be moderate and it didn't disappoint. One day was actually in the
mid 70's and we were able to work outside. One of the projects is a
greenhouse that we bought from a neighbor and I disassembled last
summer. This thing is about 8' X 10' and the problem with it is that
when we took it apart we had the intention of bringing it up here and
reassembling it within a month or so. Of course life got in the way
and now here I am trying to put together a puzzle with only holes
drilled here and there for clues as to what piece goes where. It's a
really nice one with a steel frame, built in heater, three windows,
and a full sized door so I want to get it back the way it was. Not to
mention the truckload of plants that Teresa has that will need a warm
hangout when we move.
Last week I had another appointment,
this time back with chemo. They wanted to talk to me about starting
another round of chemo on what they perceive is more cancer in my
lungs. After a PET and a CAT scan they have identified several of
what they call nodules of suspicious nature. One of the doctors said
that one of the nodules was possibly large enough to aspirate some
fluid to identify whether or not it's cancer. However, I had been
told by another doctor that even if it is, there is no harm in
letting them go another month or two as the treatment would be the
The procedure to aspirate a nodule
involves more scans and thankfully being out for the procedure since
they will be putting a needle through the chest wall and trying to
find the center of the nodule to aspirate it. I say trying because
it's like trying to hit something half the size of a grape that's in
the middle of a cantaloupe. You have a pretty good idea of where it
is, but you're never positive if you're in it or not. If you get in
it, you can properly identify whether or not it's cancerous. If you
miss, you will always get a false negative which just sets you up for
another test later.
At any rate, I'm going to post this
now so you can see pics of me with teeth.
Here's hoping you all have a great and prosperous new year.
You look and sound great! We really do want to make it up north with y'all...Michael can get busy on the greenhouse or something. He needs another project. Love you guys!